On the Go Gift Guide: Disney Eye Found It

Disney Eye Found It

I thought that we would start our On the Go Gift Guide with a really fun board game from Wonder Forge, Disney Eye Found It!

Disney Eye Found It features a jumbo game board that is filled to brim with whimsical artwork and starring your favorite Disney characters.

Disney Eye Found It

Join Mickey Mouse and friends on an exciting race through 12 exquisitely illustrated Disney realms, from Radiator Springs and Alice’s Wonderland to Peter Pan’s Never Land and Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood. Throughout the race, everyone searches for iconic Disney objects…and gets a chance to say, “I found it!”

Disney Eye Found It at a Glance


  • Game is for 2-6 players ages 5 and up

Disney Eye Found It

  • Cooperation and teamwork
  • Observation skills and attention to detail
  • Reinforces object identification and matching skills

Disney Eye Found It

Product Contents:
Disney Eye Found It
Wonder Forge packaging is beyond amazing! I love how there isn’t a lot of waste and that the pieces are already in pouches so pieces stay together!
  • 1 Six-foot Game Board in three sections
  • 6 Movers
  • 6 Mover Bases
  • 1 Spinner
  • 12 Mickey Mouse Ear Tokens
  • 30 Search Cards
  • 1 Sand Timer
  • 1 Game Rules Manual

When you are setting up Disney Eye Found It, make sure that you have a LOT of space! When they say Jumbo, they totally mean Jumbo! We set the game up on our dining room table, which was the perfect place to play the game since everyone had a seat and it was a flat surface for the board to fit together.

Disney Eye Found It

The board is chocked full of detail that is beyond perfect for any Disney fan, and it is really easy to get lost in the details! We ended up giving the younger ones playing a little more time and hints since the board is so gigantic!

Here are some of my favorite Disney realms features in Disney Eye Found It!

Disney Eye Found It

Disney Eye Found It

Disney Eye Found It

Disney Eye Found It

We all had a really great time playing Disney Eye Found It, and it is definitely a game we will pull out again to play for our Family Game Nights!

Disney Eye Found It
Make sure you make it to the castle before the strike of Midnight!

Disclosure: Through a partnership with Wonder Forge Games, I have received a promotional item in exchange for this post. All opinions and thoughts are my own!

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Epcot’s Candlelight Processional

While Candlelight Processional at Walt Disney World is a must do for many of my friends, this year was the first time I’ve ever watched it!


I grew up in the parks and I’m sure we were here around Christmas time, however, even as an adult, I can’t believe I had never seen this show before. This is definitely the way to get you in the holiday mood!

Candlelight Processional IMG_7074

It was quite the experience!

Watching the cast choir fill into all their spots.


Listening to and enjoying the live orchestra.


And then there was Gary Sinise, who was the narrator for the night that I was in attendance. (For a full list of Candlelight Processional narrators for 2013, you can view the list here.)

It was so awesome to watch his reactions to certain songs – you can catch some of his head bobbing in the video above 🙂


While I am not a religious person, the songs and show are put together so well and I know that the cast members put in a lot of time for each of their practices.


I hope to now make this a yearly tradition!


Do you have a favorite narrator that you have to see? Is there someone that you would like to see added to the list of narrators at Epcot’s Candlelight Processional?

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