Disney’s Oh My Disney Blog Review

Disney's OMD
Disney’s OMD

Disney started a new blog several weeks ago that has quickly become one of my daily must visits. It is called Oh My Disney or OMD for short. This blog is one of the most fun and quirky things I’ve discovered of late. If you aren’t already ready this hilarious daily dose of Disney, what are you waiting for?

OMD is one of the newest official blogs put out by The Walt Disney Company. You can find fantastic offerings about Disney films, tv shows, music, parks and more. One of the aspects I love most is that this blog is written in the colloquial style, as if you were having a conversation with a late 20s to mid 30s Disney lover. It isn’t the traditional just the facts ma’am post that you get, and by all means that serve a purpose, from several other blogs. This is a lighthearted glimpse into some of Disney’s greatest pop culture productions, sometimes even crossing over into ABC and ESPN territory.

Check out this image Graphing Our Emotions: The Lion King Edition:

Lion King
Lion King

This is just one of many reasons why I love this blog. There are things that will make you laugh, cry and remember why you love Disney.

I am so glad I happened to catch a tweet from a friend who works for Disney who said he was working on a new project and that we should all check it out. This blog is something that I can honestly say has brought cheer and smiles to me every day since. It started just under two months ago with the first post titled “Everyone Should Listen to Chef Gusteau” released on February 4th. This blog is part advice column, part reminiscing about Disney’s fantastic history, and part let’s just have fun. Across the header of the site you will often see posts with themes if you don’t want to go through all posts daily (which I strongly recommend). These sections are labeled as Aww (mostly romantic moments), Oh, Snap! (a little snarkiness served up Disney style), Retro (things that are typically geared towards younger generations (than mine) that grew up in the 90s – side note, super scary to think of 90s things as retro, but I digress), Silly (pretty self explanatory), and Whoa (things you definitely need to check out – case in point, the fantastic new Mickey Mouse Short, Croissant de Triomphe). Croissant de Triomphe on Disney Video

Often times this blog says what I’m thinking, or at least what I’d like to think I thought of before they posted it. Some of my favorites include The Snuggly Duckling: Best Pub Ever, We Dare You Not To Cry: The Most Blubber Cry-Worthy Pixar Moments (SPOILER ALERTS), WALL-E: How to Win Every Argument Ever, and 10 Paperman GIFs to Make You Believe In Destiny. There are so many more, but I want you to discover them on your own.


Have you seen OMD? If so, what are some of your favorites? If you ever need a pick-me-up, this is the place to go! Hop on over and check it out and let me know what you think of this great new addition to Disney’s blogs. I mean how could you not love a site that features a fantasy edition of the Bachelorette based around the male characters of the Lion King or a video condensing Mulan to 60 seconds? I would love to see more like this from Disney in the future and can’t wait to see what else OMD has coming down the pike!

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Author: Betsy

Scorpio. Passionate about movies, music, sports, Disney and my friends who are more like my family. Fiercely loyal and competitive. My thoughts are my own.

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